Does Steam Cleaning Kill Fleas and Their Eggs?
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A flea can infest almost every part of your home right from your main door carpet to bedding. The flea can grow to such an extent that it would leave your pet/s scratching all day long. Also, not to forget if the creatures bite you then be ready for the red spots all over your body! By the time you witness the fleas on your pet, the situation would have already gotten a lot worse. The parasites are experts in dropping off eggs in almost every part of your home and in most cases, by the time people get to know about the issue of parasites, the major damage is already done.
The only way to deal with the problem is by ending it once and for all. If you delay it in any manner, then it would just start getting more and more irritating. There are quite a couple of ways to get rid of fleas permanently and the most common being the use of chemical pesticides. But, usually, people who are prone to allergies or health issues, tend to look out for more safer options and i.e. where a steam cleaner comes in play.
The vapor generated from the steam cleaner is quite capable of eliminating the flea life cycle at every level. The tension of hiring contractors or using harmful chemical pesticides just vanishes in a sight and all thanks to the invention of a steam cleaner. In this article, we will take a bit deeper look into the world of steaming and what type or kind of you can use to get rid of fleas or other kinds of pests away from your home. At the end of the article, we have reviewed one of the best steam cleaners for flea. Don’t forget to check it out!
Table of Contents
What’s Exactly a Steam Cleaner?
Before we begin further, it’s important to get the basics covered so that you are left with no doubts. We will try to keep things very simple and straightforward in this article’s regard so that every reader of ours is able to get the word. Steam Cleaner is basically a normal tool sold in the market, used for eradicating fleas of almost any stage. A steam cleaner can also be said as an upgraded version of a vacuum. Right from your pests to small debris, everything just cleans away!
Pests are known for creating trouble in areas that are not easily reachable in your home such as the tiny spaces between furniture. Manually, it’s very hard to deal with this issue but with the help of a good steam cleaner, you can perform sanitization in every part of your home. Also, the steam cleaner helps in keeping the surroundings and environment safe and clean.

Why Use Steam Cleaner?
- It’s a lot affordable and safer option as compared to chemicals.
- The chemicals can be hazardous and the harmful effects could be witnessed in the long term duration. On the other side, the steam cleaner uses hot water for its operations which is a lot of effective and safer approaches.
- It’s more like a one-time investment only. You won’t have to worry much about after purchase cost, as that’s just next to minimal. Whereas the cost of professionals or chemicals can get a lot high.
Can Vacuuming Be Equivalent To Steam Cleaner?
Vacuuming is definitely one of the most straightforward and easy ways to keep your house surrounding clean. Even the flea problems could be eradicated but solving the issue once and for all, won’t be exactly possible with vacuuming. It would even have trouble in reaching difficult spaces in your home. The best approach is to use both vacuuming and steam cleaner in achieving your desired results. Ensure that you reach every nook and corner of your house, wherever you suspect the fleas could reach and start multiplying.
Does Steam Cleaning Kill Fleas & Their Eggs?
Does steam kill fleas? Yes, Steam Cleaning is simple yet a very advanced approach in dealing with fleas. It could terminate all larvae, eggs and adult fleas in an instant after coming in contact with them. The hot water is what makes the process a lot simpler and interesting. Without it, some of your parasites may never end up or dislocate as the manual approach just becomes too hard and the chances of succeeding go quite low.
Fleas can’t survive high temperature and that’s exactly what is generated out of steam cleaners. So, ensure that you purchase a good quality steam cleaner, capable of getting hot. Also, keep in mind the surface or flooring you will be working on and then decide upon your purchase. In the next section, we will be taking a look at the advantages and disadvantages of owning a steam cleaner in brief so that you can make a final and informed decision.
Steam Cleaner Advantages
- Works both as a normal house cleaner and also as a flea eradication machine.
- Eco-friendly
- Steam Cleaning is known for being environment-friendly. It doesn’t take into account any kind of harmful chemicals or pesticides that may adversely affect your furniture, pets or kids. Learn to use steam cleaner properly and you will be good to go!
- Steam cleaner reaches in spots that are away from the eyes and are not easily accessible manually.
- Right from adult fleas to flea eggs and larva, everything is removed from your home.
- Frequently using a steam cleaner will ensure that you are able to not only get rid of present flea infestation but also prevent future ones from creating up.
Steam Cleaner Disadvantages
- A lot of people have reported that when they tried to use steamer on an electrical appliance or equipment, they received a sudden shock in return. This somewhat concludes us to the fact that both don’t go together well. So, keep your steamer away from electrical outlets.
- Steam generated is usually quite hot and if you don’t deal with it correctly then you may end up burning yourself.
- Some steamers are cheap in the market and don’t produce steam for long. They produce it in a small burst which doesn’t work for every kind of situation. If there’s no continuous flow of the stream in a specific tool then it’s advisable not to buy that one.
- Steamers should always be used before spraying chemicals. This should not be taken lightly as the use of steamer after applying chemicals can lead to a lot of health issues.
Extra Tips To Get Rid of Flea Infestation

Flea free homestead is not at all easy to maintain. A steam cleaner doesn’t completely stop the multiplication of fleas. The current ones and the larvae or eggs can be removed but that may not completely stop them from arising again. Let’s take a look at a few extra tips that you should keep in mind if you plan to clear the flea Infestation.
1) Treating Pets
Pets are one of the main sources of fleas. They act as the host to them and therefore treating your pets will result in lesser flea infestations. Groom your pets regularly with proper hygienic products like pet soaps and shampoos.
2) Spend Time Washing Bedding
Pests are common on pillows, mattresses, and beds. To get rid of them, you can wash these with hot water.
3) Wash Clothes with Hot Water
Try to adapt the usage of hot water in your laundry. Gradually when you start washing your or pet’s clothes with hot water then you will notice that the number of eggs, larvae and adult fleas has started going down. Just repeat this for a while and the breeding cycle will be disturbed leading to the killing of the infestations.
Flea Steam Cleaner Buying Guide
In the market, there are various kinds of steamers and that’s why it becomes quite difficult in choosing the right kind which will meet your requirements. To make your work easier, we have prepared this buyer guide to help you find the right steamer for fleas!
1) Water in steam
A dry steamer is what works perfectly fine and caters well to most of the situations! These generate around 5% water volume in steam. This seems to be the right proportion required for killing fleas from carpet and furniture. Plus, enough time would be allocated to things to dry up so that they don’t get mildew and mold.
2) Attachments
The steamer can come with quite a number of attachments. Fleas are known for hiding in places that are normally hidden away from the human eyes. There are also different kinds of steamer heads used for different purposes like furniture, clothing, etc. So, if you plan on getting the most out of your tool then you must look out for any additional attachments.
3) Temperature
Always look for a steam cleaner that produces steam continuously at the temperature of 120 degrees as the more the hot steam is, the better will be the outcome. But, remember the 120 degrees rule, no need to exceed or go much below that as then it will only lead to ineffective results.
4) Capacity
Capacity plays a very important role when deciding upon a steamer. The tool which is capable of handling at least half a gallon of water will be able to generate about an hour of steam. Steamer with less holding capacity will be time-consuming and irritating as you will be just filling up water again and again.
Best Steam Cleaner for Fleas – Our Top Recommendation

If you want to protect your family and keep your home clean and safe, away from fleas then you may consider the versatile and affordable McCulloch MC1385 Deluxe Canister Steam System. Right from normal cleaning to mopping, this tool is perfect and is one of the biggest of the company as said by the markets itself.
It sports up to 120 minutes of continuous steam, making it an ideal choice for the removal of fleas and other types of pests from your home or vehicle. Regular usage of the product will result in fresh-looking carpets, bedding, etc and also your pet would be healthy and happy as there would be no unwanted fleas, eggs or larva.
The tool is also commonly known as “the reigning king of steam cleaning systems” due to multi-level features. It was developed in Kansas in the United States. The company behind this amazing product, McCulloch has been in the business for over 50 years and in this span of time, they have produced state-of-the-art steam cleaning products that have proved to be reliable, powerful and versatile. Most of its customers are recurring ones, which means that they keep returning back to McCulloch only for their steam cleaning product needs.
Click Here to See Price and review on Amazon
- High Pressure
- 120 minutes of steam
- Additional Accessories included
- Easy Assembling
- After a too long a duration of usage, the handle starts getting quite warm.
- 30 min cool downtime
- Misses a funnel
Many health-conscious households across the globe are slowly and slowly moving towards safer options of cleaning, and the most common being steam cleaning. The traditional cleaning solutions are gradually fading away from the market due to the fact that steam cleaner utilizes just water to eradicate fleas infestation across your home or vehicle whereas the earlier ones used harmful chemicals and pesticides for their operations.
Steam can be used on almost every surface, whether it is of your house or vehicle. The drawbacks are very less and in fact, most of them are not drawbacks but actually extreme precautions that you need to keep in mind so that the result is as per your expectations. Steam uses heat instead of harmful chemicals for getting the job done with utmost ease and perfection.