Steam Clean a Couch

How to Steam Clean a Couch – Cleaning Couch in 4 Steps

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Steam Cleaning is a very old traditional way of cleaning that has been evident even during the ancient and middle ages. From steaming hair to remove odor to infection control, clothing and food, the principal of steaming were used in various day to day life events. However, it is only recently that this ancient art form has received a modern-day technological upgrade to creating one of the most efficient cleaning tools – The Steam Cleaner. Today in this article I will talk about how to steam clean a couch in the best ways.

In simple language, superheated steam is used to clean, sanitize, deodorize and remove lime scales, stains and grouts from any possible surface. The steam cleaner hardly requires any additional chemicals or assistance to work, thus making it a very versatile and easy to maneuver appliance.

Why Should You Steam Clean a Couch?

We all have couches and sofas at home. It is one of the most used furniture at any home. But do you remember when the last time was, you had actually deep cleaned your couch? And by deep cleaning, I do not mean vacuuming.

The upholsteries of a couch and sofas are not removable and are often made of porous and skin-friendly fabric to maximize comfort.  Vacuuming only removes the surface dust and pollens. However old stains, mold within the couch, dirt and grouts within the deep crevices in and around the couch, etc are hardly ever accessible unless you decide to call a Professional Cleaning Service. However once again that too comes at a huge extra expense.

If you have a steam cleaner at home, you can easily use Steam Cleaner to clean your couch and give it a completely new and sparkling look at no additional cost. A steam cleaner not only kills the molds seated deeply within the inner filling material of the couch but also removes stains and dirt without needing to spend much.

Types of Steam Cleaner that can be used on Couches

  1. Cool Steam Cleaner uses cold steam to clean the surface. Due to the excess moisture content in this kind of steamers, it cannot be used in all the types of couches and sofa fabric.
  2. A dry Steam cleaner uses hot steam created by boiling water to clean the surfaces. It uses a bare minimum amount of water and is very effective in breaking emulsifies sod, dirt and grease stains.

How to Steam Clean a Couch – Follow These 4 Steps

how to steam clean a couch

Steps Involved in Steam Cleaning Couch:- Steam cleaning a couch should be divided into 4 separate sections to provide the best result.

1) Pre vacuuming the dust, furs, and lint

It is important to vacuum clean the sofas and couches well before steam cleaning as this will only accelerate the cleaning process by dislodging and removing the loosened dirt particles embedded within the fabric mesh. The lint and furs lodged on the couch surfaces and crevices will only adhere stronger to the fabric when the moisture from the steam comes in contact with these fine pollutants. Pre-vacuuming will eradicate these problems and thus give a better result.

Additionally, a microfiber cloth can be used to wipe the hard surface of the couch and remove all the dust particles and pollens.

2) Pre-treatment of the stains

We all know that stains are some of the biggest problems for any household furnishings. Over a period of time, these stains along with the dust particles and other various pollutants react to further lodge deeper into the fibers of the sofa upholsteries. Pre-treating these stains with a caustic agent or solution helps in accelerating the steaming process and thus providing a better result.

3) Preconditioning of the fabric

Preconditioning of the fabric of the couch protects the material from the excessive steam temperature and also provides additional shine and softness to the upholsteries post the steaming. Besides protecting the fabric these external chemicals also act as soil emulsifier that helps in loosening and dislodging deep-rooted dirt and remnants.

In the case of Preconditioning and Pretreatment of Stains, instead of harsh chemicals, one can easily use natural environment-friendly alternatives like baking soda and vinegar too. They are a great alternative that has a milder bleaching effect on the couch fabric.

4) Proceeding with Steam Cleaning – How to clean a couch with a steam cleaner?

Steam cleaning after following the 3 previous steps only accelerates the steaming process and renders a much more effective cleaning. The steps involved in steam cleaning couch includes,

  • Fill the tank of the steamer up to the instructed level and switch on the machine to start the process of superheating the water to create steam.
  • Most often the steam cleaners come with automated pre-settings compatible for the couch fabric. Choose the right setting that suits the fabric type and proceed. If you are unsure about the type of setting to choose always start with a lower setting.
  • Make sure to clean the inside of the cushion casings and covers by turning the fabric outward and running the steamer well through it.
  • In case your Steam cleaner has provision for adding cleaning agents and detergents, make sure to clean off the excess sods and foams either by vacuuming or sliding off the couch.
  • Repeat the sliding motion two to three times along all the possible and accessible surfaces until you can see the desired result. This will only maximize the cleaning process.
  • Once the couch is well cleaned, use an external air drier to remove the excess moisture and dry the couch or air dry it well.
  • The faster you work on the steaming process, the lesser will be the moisture remnant on the couch. Thus, this will only ensure that you have a couch that is less wet.

Points to Consider Before Steam Cleaning Couch

  • Steam cleaner only dislodges the dirt particles and remnants. It does not remove them. SO as an aftermath of a steam cleaning couch, it is imperative to use a microfiber cloth to wipe the surface well. The cloth will not only pick up the dislodged dust particles but also remove the excess moisture resides before it penetrates deeper into the fabric of the couch.
  • The steam created by the Steam cleaner is at a dangerously high temperature. So proper protective measures should be taken to prevent the steam from coming in contact with any open skin surfaces.
  • Pre-treating the couch and other furniture with conditioners and other products will only ensure a better and long-lasting result.
  • Following the guideline mentioned in the manual will only help in increasing the longevity of the product and your safety.
  • Always check the fabric type before starting the steam cleaning process to prevent any mishaps.

All couches and sofas with fabric fittings have a small tag attachment that mentions the type of fabric used. The four main types include:

  • WS – Can be cleaned with a steam cleaner or dry-cleaning detergent
  • S – Can only be cleaned with dry-cleaning detergent
  • W – Can be cleaned with water or steam
  • X – Can be cleaned with a vacuum only

Benefits of Steam Cleaning a couch

  • Cleans, sanitizes and deodorizes the couch and also removes the stains.
  • It is very cost-effective as no external professional assistance is required.
  • Any odor or dirt is completely eradicated.
  • Mold and bacterial growth that can occur inside the couch, that are often invisible or inaccessible to naked eyes can be easily killed and eradicated with a steam cleaner. The superheated steam temperature of 130 to 170 degrees Celsius is perfect to even kill rodents or insects that might reside inside.
  • Steam Cleaning is an environment-friendly process that does not cause any kind of health issues or allergic reactions.

What is the Best Steam Cleaner for Couches?

Dupray Neat Steam Cleaner Powerful Multipurpose Portable Steamer for Floors, Cars, Tiles Grout Cleaning Chemical Free Disinfection Kills 99.99%* of Bacteria and Viruses

We have reviewed many steam cleaner on our blog which includes steam cleaner for the bathroom, furniture, oven, etc. But, When it comes to the best steam cleaner for Couches, I have only one answer – Dupray Neat Steam Cleaner! It is one of the finest steam cleaners for couches. Dupray neat Steam Cleaner comes with an extended lifetime warranty which is a bonus point.

Buy Now on Amazon

Related post: Dupray Neat Steam Cleaner Review

Frequently Asked Questions

What should not be steam cleaned?

  • Paper and cardboard products that are not water-resistant
  • Delicate fabrics like silk which has a very low heat affinity.
  • Walls and any surfaces that have water-based paint coatings
  • Electronic gadgets and appliances (Unless mentioned)
  • Plastic goods.

Where else can steam cleaning be used for?

  • Mattresses, Carpets, Sofas, Curtains
  • Floors, Tiles, and Ceramic and Metal Fixtures
  • Glass and Mirrors
  • Kitchen Appliances and accessories like cutting boards, waste bins, working surfaces, and even the refrigerator and the freezer compartments can be cleaned, destained and sanitized using a Handheld Steam Cleaner.
  • Filters and grills of A/C units, barbeque grills, and cooktops
  • Lawnmower
  • Car interiors
  • Pet cages, bedding, houses, and litter boxes,
  • Children play area and toys

 How to Steam Clean a Couch (Quick Video)


A steam cleaning couch or a sofa is a very effective method that does not require assistance or external chemicals to clean a surface. Most importantly you can save a lot of money that generally is required when you book a professional cleaning company. A steam cleaner is a versatile cleaning equipment that has multiple functionalities. It is a onetime investment that surely can make life easier.

Last update on 2024-08-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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